Infographics are a powerful and persuasive communications tool able to cut through the digital noise and instantly reach distracted audiences in today’s digital landscape. From concept to completion, I create them based on your specific needs and always with a mind to resonating meaning, not just spreading information.

Why Infographics?

We live in a time of information overload where smartphones are the dominant pipeline for consumption. In this data-rich ecosystem words alone fail to capture the interest of audiences. You need something more. Dynamic, interactive visuals are key to winning the attention and impact you want.

Infographics are the perfect tool to accomplish this. They capture the interest of distracted viewers by relying on preattentive properties and aesthetic appeal. They instantly communicate meaning, add credibility, and make your content rise above the rest.

Need an Infographic?

With over a decade of experience in the media and communications fields, and a specialization in data analytics and data visualization, I am an expert at distilling complexity and persuasively telling a story through infographics that will invigorate your reports, public documents, presentations, and communications campaigns. What distinguishes my work from that of graphic designers is that it is fully interactive and meant to be used and explored (through mouse clicks and custom filters), not just viewed and shared (as in a static image).

Value-Added Experience

A background in journalism, with over a decade of experience from Canada’s two largest media markets, also enables me to contextualize data and craft compelling narratives helping you to tell memorable stories rather than just deliver information. All of this means the difference between good content and amazing content that drives behaviour and inspires action.

For more information on how I can help, contact me below.